Wednesday 19 June 2024

Generic conventions and meanings


Cinematic techniques: 

In the process of making my short film i made sure i used different effects and technique for my target audience. In the process i used different cinematic techniques to make my film better for the audience to view. Cinematic scenes help the audience feel more engaged in what's going on. 


When creating my short film i used props to make my film more engaging for the viewers. For instance i was able to a old cookbook that i made and i also used a box in "mystery magic" in my house. This allowed my to create suspense in my short film. This creates cinematic techniques with the mystery genre in my short film. When i was making my short film i had inspiration by the film "just add magic" from the scene:

From this scene in the film i was able to see how no one knows about magic and its a secrete and that allows the film to create suspense. I used this scene and twisted it into my own to keep magic a secrete. 

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