Wednesday 19 June 2024

Camera settings

When i am making my short film i will need to know what type of camera i am going to be using. There is a Varity of cameras out there. However i am going to be using the school equipment therefore i will be provided with a DSLR camera. 

The DSLR camera stands for Digital Single Lens Reflex. This means that the camera has a fixed digital sensor. A DSLR camera can be used with different types of lenes and attachments that have a good battery life.  This allows you to film for hours and makes it easier to film. The DSLR camera has different modes such as manual mode. The manual mode is used to control the settings of how you want the camera. This allows the filming process to be easier. 

There are different types of accessories you can use for a DSLR camera for example: 

  • Fish eye lens                                                   
  • Tripod 
  • Sd card
  • Bag 
  • Filters 

Using the attachments helps improve the quality of the filming this will help in my short film. 

A DSLR camera can be used for cinematography and lighting. If you want to use the camera for cinematography you can just simply change the mode on manual mode. The setting allows you to control the lighting and cinematography side. I will make the lighting on the camera dark so that it looks dark for when i need it in my short film. 

Manual mode controls:

The DSLR camera has different modes on it to use when filming or just taking shots in general. The manual mode is useful for the person recording as they can see what they are filming this way they can adjust lighting and make there shots better. 
  • Aperture and f-stops - The aperture is the amount of light the camera is being exposed to. The f-stop is also commonly knows as the aperture size. This allows me to use manual mode and adjust these things.
  • Pull focus techniques - When a focus pull is done it allows a certain object to be in focus and the stuff around it to be blurred. 
  • Depth of field - Depth of field is the distance in-between the closest and farthest object  in a photo.  
Types of camera lenses and their use:

The DSLR camera can be used with different lenses when filming. Different lenses create different effects. Such as:

  • Standard - This lens is the same as the human eye how we see things on a day to day biases. 
  • Wide angle - This lens is used to see more then the human eye can see. 
  • Telephoto- This lens is used go focus on things longer to improve the image.
  • Macro -This lens can be used to zoom into small things. 
  • Fish-eye - This lens is used to take pictures that the human eyes cant see. 
Use of exposure control for effect

When i filmed my short i used manual mode to control the light and exposure. 
  • Shutter speed - This is how long the camera is exposed to the light. 
  • ISO -  This is how much light the camera gets. 
  • Creating light trails - This is used to capture moving images. 
Frame rates for different effect 
This is used to captures the rate of the image. 
  • 25 fps - This is when 25 pictures are captured in the same second. 
  • Higher fps - More visual information is shown when the fps is higher.
  • Lower fps - The lower the fps the better the quality. 
Before i created my short film i was told to practise theses effects on the camera i used different exposures which are attached below:

When i used the focus pull feature i had to take  recording of my video. I did this to practise using the feature focus pull to learn for my short film.  Underneath we can see my video of the focus pull i took:

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