Wednesday 19 June 2024

Feedback and self reflection from focus group

The focus group that i have carried out i have been given some improvements, achievements and strengths such as: 

The strengths that my focus discussed i have in my short film was firstly my storyline they had said its straightforward and they can easily pick up on what's happening  in my story. They also had said they really enjoyed the plot twist to my story. Another strength i had in my short film was having the magical aspects in my short film which means my storyline was understood. Another strength i had was my actors they performed well. 

One of the weaknesses i had in my short film was the audio cutting of to soon. Another weakness i had i my short film was the dialogue cutting to fast and moving onto the second clip. Another weakness i had was my editing my focus group felt like i could of done a better job at editing. Another weakness i had in my short film was having jump cuts and wasn't in flow. Another weakness i had was not having enough context. 

Lastly the improvements i needed to make was long out my sound towards the second clip and do a fade out. Another improvement i need to make is make my sound tracks more quitter then the actual dialogue audio. Another improvement that i need to make is on my sound tracks i need to fade them out more. Another improvement i need to make is my voice overs they were to loud and random the volume needs to be more low. Another improvement i could of made was reshooting some of my scenes because  the camera was shaky. Another improvement that i could of and should of made was longing out the scene were she goes into the dream. 

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